EZ Dock Designer

The EZ Dock Designer brings your dream dock to life. This tool allows you to build a 3D model of your ideal dock right in your browser!

You can start from a suggested template based on the dock’s function, or start your design from scratch.


The functionality of the tool is easy to use with self-explanatory features. The dock measurements are included in the design tool so that you can easily compare your space to the dock you are designing.

Once your design is complete you can save it and share your design. You can then submit a quote for the dock you build directly to EZ Dock.

Turn Your Dock Vision

Into Your Dock Reality

Contact Us

Do you have questions or would prefer to still design your dock with an EZ Dock expert? No worries, we’d be more than happy to help you!

Get all the details you need from our helpful team before making a purchase. Contact us today to learn more about our long-lasting and easy-to-install EZ Dock floating docks!